Endosafe-PTS Glucan Assay from Charles River


We understand that you need to ensure that your products are as free of contaminants as possible. Charles River is proud to offer the Endosafe®-PTS™ Glucan Assay, a rapid, in-process test designed for investigational purposes to validate that your yeast-derived products are clear of (1,3)-ß-D glucans.

(1,3)-ß-D glucan molecules can be found in the cell walls of most yeasts and molds and can induce inflammatory responses. These glucans contaminate cell culture fluid, yeast protein production, air quality samples, and cellulose filter preparations. Glucans are known to cause false positive results in LAL assays, triggering investigations.

Charles River’s new PTS™ Glucan Assay allows you to quickly and easily quantify these glucans, leading to better process monitoring and faster out-of-specification (OOS) resolutions. The Charles River glucan cartridges have a sensitivity range of 10-1,000 pg/mL, yield results in less than 30 minutes, and can be run on the same Charles River instrument that is used for PTS™ endotoxin detection or PTS™ Gram ID.

This new product offering is in addition to the glucan-specific buffer that we offer for those compounds that you know in advance have a strong possibility of being contaminated by glucans.